Friday, November 17, 2017

Thriving with a New Baby

Thriving With A New Baby

(Tips from a 5 time mom)

You are going to have a baby. Congratulations! A new baby is a gift right from heaven. This going to be a wonderful experience as you watch your little blessing grow and develop.
With all the excitement of the new baby it can often be a shock when reality starts to set in. There are night feedings, lack of sleep, and lots of diapers taking up your time. It can be a bit overwhelming.
Don't worry. This to shall pass!
Until it does, here are my 4 S's that have helped me survive and the thrive with my babies.

S #1. Sandwich
I know that sounds silly but it is vital for you and your baby that you feed yourself. Being hangry is not a good thing. l say a sandwich because it is quick, easy, and only takes one  hand to feed yourself. You can even eat a sandwich while you nurse!

S #2. Shower
With all the sleepless nights and demands on my time I have found that a shower helps me feel human. Forget doing your hair and makeup, just get yourself clean and in some fresh pj's. A simple shower can be so refreshing to a tiered body.

S #3. Sleep
It's totally true what they say: If your baby is sleeping, you should sleep. Chores can wait. You need your rest! If you have older children then see if they can go over to a friends house during one of your new babies nap times. This will let you get some much needed z's.
The very best help I ever got after having a new baby was a friend of mine offering to take my older children over to her house so I could get some rest. She would even pick up my kids so I could get some sleep sooner. It was a life saver!

S #4. Scriptures
Take the time to read your scriptures. Taking care of your spirit is equally as important as taking care of your body. I like to read while I nurse. I have to be sitting down so might as well be productive. Or another way is listening to the audio scriptures. I have downloaded the LDS Gospel Library app on my phone. The app is free and I can listen to the scriptures being read to me. So handy!

So, here are my 4 S's. They are short, sweet, and to the point. But I do hope they help you as much as they have helped me. With them, I have felt like I have succeeded in my recovery from having my mew blessing.

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