Looking for the perfect yet easy thing to make for Valentine's Day for your kids? Well look tho farther than your own kitchen. Chocolate Dipped Rice Crispy Snacks are fast, easy, and cheap. You only need a few things that could already be in your cupboards.
Rice Crispy Cereal, Chocolate Chips, Marshmallows, Butter, and Sprinkles.
After the Rice Crispy's have had a chance to cool off, and aren't so sticky, you can use any cookie cutter to make your shapes. I used a medium sized heart cutter. I don't recommend doing any shape that is very elaborate. It can get hard getting the crispy out of the cutter. If the cookie cutter gets too sticky then rub it down with some butter. Remember, when making rice crispy treats butter is your friend!
You can stop here... Or you can make these simple treats spectacular!

Put all your rice crispy's on wax paper.
Place one back of chocolate chips into a microwavable bowl. My husband will only eat milk chocolate so we have no semi-sweet in this house. You can this recipe with either kind of chocolate, just watch it very carefully on the next few steps.
On medium heat, microwave the chocolate chips for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes. The chocolate is melted when it becomes shiny.
Add 2 Tablespoons of margarine to the Chocolate and stir thoroughly.
Once the chocolate is smooth dip part of one of the rice crispy hearts into it. I did the top half of the treat. Put it back onto the wax paper.
Add the sprinkles to the still wet chocolate. I let my kids do this part.
And Voila! You have some amazing Valentine Day treats that didn't take hours to make!
Chocolate Dipped Rice Crispy Hearts
6 Tbs Butter
2 Packages Marshmallows (10 oz. each)
12 Cups Rice Crispy's
1 Package Chocolate Chips (about 11 oz.)
2 Tbs Butter
Grease 18 x 13 cookie sheet well.
Put 12 cups (about 1 box) Rice Crispy's into large bowl.
Melt 6 Tbs butter in large sauce pan over medium heat. Add marshmallows to melted butter and mix until marshmallows are melted. Pour over rice crispy's. Mix until well coated.
Put marshmallow/ rice crispy mix into greased pat using a buttered spatula. Press down evenly.
After rice crispy's have cooled cut out with cookie cutters. Place cut crispy's on wax paper.
Empty bag of chocolate chips into microwave safe bowl. Melt on medium heat for 1 to 1 1/2 minutes in microwave.
Add remaining 2 Tbs butter to chocolate. Stir until smooth.
Dip rice crispy's into warm chocolate. Lay flat on wax paper, chocolate side up.
Decorate with sprinkles.