Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Welcome to Writing the Rules!

Aren't blogs fun? I have always liked reading other people's great ideas on crafting, or cooking, or raising kids. Everyone seems to be an expert in their own area. It got me thinking one day "what am I an expert in?" After much personal reflection, and a lot of trips to the cookie jar, I realized that I was the expert of my family.
And why not? Are we not all doing our own lives the best we can? There are great days and o.k. days. We all try to pretend like there are never any bad days but we all have those too. Parenting can be hard. Marriage takes work. That's why we need to connect with other people.
Heavenly Father did not send any of us to earth on our own with no way to reach out to Him. He sent us to people who had already been where we once were. He gave us the great gift of prayer so we could reach Him. He gave us other human beings to connect with so we wouldn't have to do everything on our own. In short, Heavenly Father sent the experts ahead of all of us to figure things out so our travels through mortality wouldn't have to be so hard.
So that's why I am creating a blog. I am sharing what I have learned through my mortal experience with the hopes that it will help one of you out there. I know I have learned a lot from others along the way and will continue to do so. I feel that if we all work together we can help each other reach our Heavenly Father and our home above.


  1. Love the title of your blog. You are an expert, and a very good person. Wish you success in all your writings.


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